
Scraped Data:

Crawler for Google Places.

Consumes the links from a REST service.

Navigates to pages one by one.

Clicks the load more reviews button to get all the reviews.

Scrapes the reviews and details

and then submits the results back to the service.

Ported a C# based app to Android with all working screens and options.

Developed a 3d game for Android Os which the users can play with their voice. The game uses voice recognition to control the spaceship.Solely worked on the voice recognition part along with graphic designing and layouts of the game.The game was developed for the physically impaired.

A Predator/Prey Game made in C# windows forms.

I made this bot to automate a poker game.

This bot goes to each table in the lobby and posts a bid.

Sits on the table and then posts a message in the chatbox.

After the message has been posted the bot leaves the table and continues to the next table.

The whole process can be repeated as long as the user wants.

Performs different BST operations on the data in a text file.

Counts the number of clicks in 10 secs.

A Excel based database app made in C#.

Email Registration Client with Captcha.

A web crawler for any site.

Crawls for a specific depth.

Counts the unique words on the site then submits in a MS SQL server.

Has a ASP.Net Front end for searching and showing crawled results.

A shutdown/log off/restart timer application for windows.

Also has button to force shutdown/restart.

This application loads the profile ids from a file and then sends the text in the textbox as a message to the facebook users in the lists.