
Now you can browse Youtube in countries where it is blocked.
Download KookyDroid's Chrome extension to open links in

Open any video link seamlessly.

Wrote php scripts to crawl/scrape the following sites:

All the scrappers get the reviews,ratings,date,username and review text from the links.

Pagination is automatically handled in the scripts of all the scrapers.

Yahoo Local

Yellow Pages
City Search
Merchant Circle
Insider Pages
Super Pages
Judy's Book
Four Square
Grub Hub
Great Schools

For example purpose that crawled/scraped data is shown in the following format in the screenshots below:

Screenshots of the scrapped data:

The scrapped data can also be requested for any of the sites.

Scraped Data:

Crawler for Google Places.

Consumes the links from a REST service.

Navigates to pages one by one.

Clicks the load more reviews button to get all the reviews.

Scrapes the reviews and details

and then submits the results back to the service.

Ported a C# based app to Android with all working screens and options.

Developed a 3d game for Android Os which the users can play with their voice. The game uses voice recognition to control the spaceship.Solely worked on the voice recognition part along with graphic designing and layouts of the game.The game was developed for the physically impaired.

A Predator/Prey Game made in C# windows forms.